How Long Should a Gas Grill Last

How Long Should a Gas Grill Last?

So you just assessed your grill and are not sure it will be able to serve you all summer long. For the life of you, you cannot figure out whether to get a new one or keep using it. This is a dilemma most people face when it comes to figuring out how long a gas grill lasts?

On average, a gas grill can last anywhere from 5 years to 15 years. This is based on the grill brand, materials used, level of usage, weather conditions, and storage conditions.

How Often Should You Replace a Gas Grill?

Unlike a cosmeceutical product with an expiry date, a gas grill should be replaced when it stops performing as it should. You should replace your grill when it starts leaking gas, starts rusting, stops producing enough heat, when parts of the grill that cannot be replaced break, or for whatever reason stops working.

How Can You Make Your Gas Grill Last Longer?

To extend your gas grill lifespan, you should store it indoors, especially when it starts raining or during winter. To prevent deterioration from sun exposure, place it away from extreme sunshine. The heat can also cause the gas pipe to crack and start leaking gas.

It would help if you wiped it clean after use to avoid fat juices and grease accumulation. If possible, buy a grill cover to protect it from the elements when it is not in use. It would be best if you also stored it in a cool, dry place to prevent it from rusting due to humidity.

Check this too: Gas Grilling Temperatures Explained

The quality of the product you buy determines its lifespan. If you buy the best gas grill you can afford, chances are it will last for fifteen years if you take good care of it. And if you buy an off-brand cheap gas grill, you would be lucky to get to the five-year mark.