how to hang outdoor christmas lights without nails

How to Hang Christmas Lights Outdoors Without Nails

Hanging fairy lights outside it’s a friendly way of showing holiday spirit. You can use plastic adhesive hooks, outdoor light clips, and hot glue. Hanging lights without nails are safer, especially to the surfaces, less expensive and easy to remove. The following are mechanisms that you can use:

Hanging Lights with Adhesive Hooks

Accessories Needed

Choose gutter hooks to hang your lights along the gutters easily. Purchase s-shaped pins and suspend them by pressing the top part into the drain. Use the bottom part as a hook and string the wires of light into each. You can also use pins to hang string lights on the balcony. Fix the clips at the desired location and dangle the lights on them.

Using Decorating Clips

Tools Required

Measure the circumference of the area you want to decorate and determine the right number of strings you need. Get a sufficient number of clips with one clip every 6-8 inches. Some bulb types of lights like C7 use more massive clips than mini lights.

Use transparent tape along with the distance you want to decorate to secure the clips. Test the string by connecting into an electrical outlet to ensure no bulb is burned-out or missing. Adhesive hooks won’t work on rough surfaces like concrete, brick, or stucco.

Using Hot Glue

What Required

Hot glue helps hanging lights on stucco, brick, and concrete where adhesive clips fail. Choose a large gun for suspending the lights and use glue best for outdoor purposes. Load your gun and plug it in an extension for easy movement.

Wait for a few minutes for the glue to heat up. Be careful; the glue might cause burn if it leaks. Measure the distance and unroll the light string. Inspect the yarn to make sure all bulbs are functional. Apply a hot glue line alongside the first bulb socket and hold the socket’s glued side against the wall.

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Hold the gun for a few seconds to allow the glue cool and set. Repeat the process until the bulb sockets glue in their positions. Connect the light string into the outdoor socket and apply a male outlet to one end and female socket.

Using Staples

Accessories Required

Stapling is much easy and faster when hanging lights. It’s best to consider how long you are going to keep lights up. The duration will help you choose which kind of staples to use. If you are keeping the lights up for a few days, you can use any pins, but of staying for long, go for stainless steel staples. Rusting staples will tend to leave unsightly rust stains on many types of surfaces, mainly wood.

When stapling, use one stapler per light socket. Ensure you tack close to the socket instead of between two sockets. Be keen not to pin through the electric cord.

This method works best if you have wood siding. The staples will have a hard time penetrating and holding onto cement or brick.


You can use staples to hang lights, hooks, clips, and hot glue instead of nails. These techniques are easy and comfortable and cause less damage to the hanging surfaces.