Should I leave my hot tub on all the time

Should I leave my hot tub on all the time?

If you own a hot tub, then the winterization process is an especially painstaking process especially if you live in an area with heavy snowfall. The main question then becomes; should I leave my hot tub on all the time?

According to specialists, if you live in a heavy snowfall area, you should definitely leave it on. Especially if you still intend to use it while the winter season is ongoing. Reason being that if you turn it off and t is not fully winterized then chances are high that the hot tub will get damaged. Which will end up costing you a lot of money in the long run to fix?

Additionally, it is cheaper to keep the water in your hot tub hot all year long than to heat it up especially if you live in a colder region. This means leaving a hot tub for months can actually cost you less than having it off for the winter period.

How To Run A Hot Tub Economically

However, should you still wish to reduce your energy bills by saving money with the hot tub, you can winterize it and turn it off. You should also ensure that you check on it every few days to make sure that it is okay. Clean out the filters and circulate the pumps to maintain it.

A major dissuading factor for turning off your hot tub is the fact that this could lead to leaking in the future. The frozen water in the pipes can cause them to break. And if it remains undetected create a perfect breeding ground form mildew and mold. The stagnated cold water may also become a breeding ground for algae and bacteria. Admittedly, the only time you should turn off your hot tub is when you are draining it, repairing it, or refilling it.

Check this too: How To Seal A Window Air Conditioner For The Winter