How To Make An Air Conditioner Colder

How To Make An Air Conditioner Colder

With summer just around the corner, it is time to see if your air conditioner can keep you as cool as you need to be for you to enjoy the season. You can start by using the thermostat to set your ideal hot summer temperature and see if it will manage to keep you cool.

And if it does not get to the ideal temperature or generate enough cold air, you need to start figuring how to fix it. Increasing the cold output of your air conditioner is simpler than it seems. So don’t call your maintenance guy just yet.

Can I Make My AC Colder?

Yes, you can. But this is also dependent on its cold temperature range. Extending that range may require technical knowhow. But you would be better off buying a new air conditioner.

Check this too: How to Unfreeze an Air Conditioner

How To Make An Air Conditioner Colder

There are things you can do to make your air conditioner blow out much colder air. Some of them entail maintaining your air conditioner while the rest are based on physical factors.

Physical factors include;

  • The direction your grill slats are facing. If your vents slats are facing downward, then the air at your feet will be cold while the air in the rest of the room will be warm. Open them fully for maximum cold air output.
  • Where your air conditioner is placed, place your air conditioner in an unobstructed place away from direct heat. To avoid overworking it and to enable it to generate extremely cold air that will dilute the warm air in the rest of the house.
  • Whether your windows are open or closed, if your windows are open, then the hot air from outside will keep mixing in with the cooled air making it warm.
  • And how hot is the air from outside? No matter how the cold setting is, a sweltering day will make your air conditioner output warm instead of cold air.

With regards to maintenance, you need to;

  1. Clean your air filters or replace them if need be.
  2. Clean the grill slats and vents for proper air circulation.
  3. Change the refrigerant, prevent short cycling or air. Only use manufacturer-approved refrigerant in your air conditioner.
  4. And fix leaks in your HVAC system.

By combining a number of these factors, you will be able to make the air colder. If they do not work, you may have to replace your air conditioner if it is too old, and it cannot cool the air to your preferred level.

Check this too: How To Seal A Window Air Conditioner For The Winter