How to Unfreeze an Air Conditioner

How to Unfreeze an Air Conditioner

It is not uncommon to find that your air conditioner is frozen; however, it is not a regular occurrence. If your system is icy, then it means it has an issue. It could be from a broken thermostat, or there is inadequate airflow. You most likely will have to get a professional to fix it and unfreeze it, although there are other steps you can take on how to unfreeze an air conditioner.

Easy Ways to Thaw Out Your Air Conditioner

If you are conversant with how an air conditioner operates, then you might manage to get to the root of the problem. However, if you are not too sure of what’s going on, the following tips will help you with how do you fix an air conditioner?

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Check your thermostat and fan

The fan in your air conditioner works to deliver adequate air into the coil, which in turn helps it stay warm. If your fan is going at a very high speed, then it may get in more air that could freeze up the system. If you suspect that the fan is faulty, you could start by reducing its speed. If this does not work, then it is best that you turn off your thermostat and checking the reading. If it gives an incorrect figure, that could be the issue, and you need to replace it.

Thaw the coil

If you find that your thermostat is working correctly, then the problem could be more profound, and you need an expert for that. However, you can still thaw out the air conditioner by turning your thermostat off and leaving the fan on at average speed.

As more air is pushed into the coil, it will warm up, and the ice should start melting. Note that the AC unit might draw more power during this cycle. If you are wondering how long it takes to thaw a frozen air conditioner, it shouldn’t take more than 24 hours. The time will vary depending on the extent of the freeze.

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Check the filter

One of the reasons that cause an AC unit to freeze is a dirty filter. Check whether the filter is dirty by opening up the return vent. It shouldn’t be visibly dirty and should not have any dirt buildup. If it is, get a new one and replace it. The best thing is that most stores stock filters, and it is pretty straightforward to replace, so you don’t need to pay for the service.

Unless the issue was the filter or thermostat, you should get your air conditioner inspected by a professional to rule out other problems.  Pouring hot water on a frozen air conditioner doesn’t help much since that will only thaw out the outside mostly. Remember that the system freezing is only a symptom and could get worse if not addressed.