how to vent a window air conditioner without access to a window

How To Vent A Window Air Conditioner Without A Window

As the name suggests, window air conditioners are usually installed in a window so that you can be able to install a vent. But in some cases, you may have a window air conditioner without a window that you can install the air conditioner. It is possible to use a window air conditioner without installing it in a window. The only problem you have to worry about is how to vent a window air conditioner without a window.

Can A Window Air Conditioner Be Used Without A Window?

Yes. You need access to the outdoors so you can vent the portable air conditioner. This is to enable air exchange for air cycling purposes. The main difference is that the window air conditioner used in this case will be a portable one. Not the one that must be installed in a window.

While using a window air conditioner without a window may feel like a complicated task, you are going to find it is easier than it seems. As long as you can vent it so that you can get fresh, clean air from outside and also be able to remove stale air from indoors, you are good to go.

Check this too: How To Seal A Window Air Conditioner For The Winter

Venting A Window Air Conditioner

The best way you can vent a room without a window is by creating a vent in a wall. This will allow you to get the air exchange you need for your air conditioner. You can vent the hose to other rooms such as the garage or laundry room if those are your only options. This will also allow those rooms to get heated using the hot air being blown out without costing you extra in energy heating bills. Just make sure the rooms are ventilated to release the hot air if needed.

You can also vent your air conditioner through the ceiling. This may require ceiling reconfiguration. This option is not as favorable as the first one. It is mainly used in office buildings for server rooms. Another option would be to vent through your dryer vent. The end game is finding a channel to let out hot or stale air being removed by the air conditioner.